martes, 7 de junio de 2016


 Saturday we went around the group of friends for dinner at the Locanda is a restaurant in ampuriabrava
We went to celebrate the 16th birthday of my friend Antonia . We had a great time as we were many and we did not stop laughing. In total there were about twenty people . While we waited we were to prepare the table we took some pictures . cene a pasta dish with cheese quando and was very good. After dinner we went to Sikkim and stayed together all night dancing and goofing a great night !!!

This year I had the good fortune to represent a musical. We've done all students of 4 that we were doing the subject of music . Teachers chose the musical Fame, All students have been preparing the music for six months. On June 28 we released the acting and it was great , everything was perfect.
the musical to the fact that every class everywhere unite and we met , at the end of the musical all we have felt like a  big family.
the musical has given us good times and bad . Nerves , laughs, cries ... But it's an experience that would not change it for the world . Maybe the sense of feeling that we have been able to cash with help of teachers have been able to make such a fun and beautiful music , the best course I 've definitely !!!

Tobacco children in Indonesia – level 3
Thirteen-year-old Maryam is among thousands of children who work in hazardous conditions on farms in the world's fifth biggest producer of tobacco. She works with her bare hands on a family-owned farm and suffers from “green tobacco sickness” – an acute nicotine poisoning.

She says she feels dizzy, gets aches and gets sick.

Hiring children under 15 years of age in Indonesia is illegal, but children are often not directly hired by traders or companies. They skip school or drop out altogether in order to help their families make a living – many only making the equivalent of a dollar a day.

But human rights groups are trying to change things. Human Rights Watch has reached out to some of the biggest companies operating in Indonesia, asking them to educate the families about the dangers of this work. The Indonesian government, which says it is working on the issue. 

It is estimated over 1.5 million children are working in Indonesia's agricultural sector – mainly in tobacco, rubber and palm oil plantations. 

Difficult words: nausea (a feeling of sickness), dizzy (weak, not feeling well), spell (a short period of time), hazardous (dangerous), bundle (to tie or roll up together), stakeholder (a person or organisation who takes care of something), issue (a problem), sector (a part of an economy), ratify (to agree to formally), treaty (an agreement, a deal, a pact).

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LOVE MOVIE ( tengo ganas de ti )

"I have wanted you" is a Spanish film of love, I like a lot and is very good, it is the second part continues with the film "Three Steps Above Heaven"

 Hache returned to Barcelona after spending two years in London, away from friends and family, and trying to forget her first love and death Chicken, his best friend. Back at home, the boy discovers that everything is igual.Pero everything changes when he meets Gin, a girl full of vitality, like him. A Gin likes to have fun and live life to the fullest without fear of anything. But above all, he will return the smile that he had lost, fall in love and start coming together. Hache gin and begin to live a new and improved life

Movie I like everything, there is nothing I do not like.

My final opinion is that it is a very nice film but before seeing "I Want You" is the second part, you have to look at the first one is "Three Steps Above Heaven"


  • When the rain
hit your face and the whole world is against you I can offer A hug To make you feel My Love When night falls and the stars appear And there is no one there To dry your tears It could hold For a million years To make you feel My Love I know you're still not sure But it never hurts you I knew from the moment I met you I have no doubt , belong here Go hungry , live in depression and I would drag down the street No, there is nothing I would not do To make you feel My Love storms on the seas rise And on the road to repentance Winds of change blow free You have not seen anything like me I could make you happy, fulfill your dreams There is nothing I would not do He would go to the ends of the earth for you To make you feel My Love
To make you feel my love                            Catala Translation                             -.Quan la pluja                                      colpegi la teva cara                                           i el món sencer està en contra teva           puc oferir-te                                             Una forta abraçada                                               Per fer-te sentir el meu amor                        Quan es faci de nit i apareguin els estels          I no hi hagi ningú allà                              Per assecar les teves llàgrimes podria abraçar-te                                                  Per un milió d'anys                                         Per fer-te sentir el meu amor                               Sé que encara no estàs segur                        Però mai et faria mal ho vaig saber des del moment en que et vaig conèixer               No tinc dubtes , pertanys aquí                     Passaria fam , viuria en depressió                 i em arrossegaria pel carrer                            No, no hi ha res que no faria                        Per fer-te sentir el meu amor          S'aixequen tempestes sobre els mars                   I sobre el camí al penediment                   Vents de canvi bufen lliures                  Encara no has vist res com jo                 Podria fer-te feliç, complir els teus somnis No hi ha res que no faria                         Aniria als confins d'aquesta Terra per tu   Per fer-te sentir el meu amor                 Perquè sentis el meu amor.

Question 1. SETTING:Places Where does the classical play and the new version take place? Example: Verona vs Verona Beach . Where are they? Which century?

 In the book, Verona is a city in northern Italy  and it was set in 16th century. 
 In the film Verona Beach is a place of USA and it was set in 20th century.

Question 2.. IMAGERY: metaphors & images :
WATER (swimming pool, beach, aquarium...) and FIRE (petrol station, fights...)
DAY and NIGHT, the MOON. What do they mean?  

 water means peace, tranquility,  and nothing matter.
 Fire means, aggresivity, violence, brutal fights.
 Day means peace, happiness. Romeo and Juliet have fun in him bed.After leave Verona.
 Rain means tragedious because when romeo kill rtybalt start the storm.

Question 3.. LANGUAGE. Which characters speak in verse and which in prose? Who is the narrator?
everybody talks with vers, but romeo, juliet and Friar Laurence are the main characters and emphasize the vers.
the narrator, is the new and speake in prose..

Question 4. THE FANCY DRESS PARTY.What's the role of the costumes the characters wear?

Juliet is a angel because she is a really angel
Romeo is a knight, because he is the Julieta's knight.
Paris is a astronaut because he is in his world and always mooning. 
Tybalt is a devil and  Mercutio is the party's soul.

Question 5. ELEMENTS. To make the new version, basic elements have been changed. Example: swords for gun

Horses for cars.
Dagger for gun.
masks party for dress party

Question 6. Other differences of the classical version and the film version

The form to dress.
In the film version the caracther have tatoos for example tybalt.  The Virgin is important in the film because appear in the Capulet's House, in the body of tybalt and another places.  
In the film Prince is a policeman and the Capulets and Montagues are Mafiosos.


#shakespeare400- this hashtag is about the death of Shakespeare, because this 23 of April, we celebrate his death.

#stratford-upon-avon-  Stratford-upon-Avon is the town in center England where William Shakespeare was born in 1564. Is famous for William's house.

#annehathaway-She was the wife of Shakespeare. They married in 1582, when she was 26 and he was 18.  They has three childs.

#theglobe It's the teather where Shakespeare played his plays.

#plays Representation of Shakespeare's, he wrote 39 plays, 154 sonets.

#plague there was a Bubonic Plague but he escaped of it.

#1595 Shakespeare releases Romeo And Juliet.

#queenelizabeth She was the patron of Shakespeare.

#thearmada The defeat of the Spanish Armada remains the most glorious event remembered of Elizabeth's reign: the forces of Europe's mightiest Catholic power were confounded by English sea dogs and "Protestant gales."  


We know what we are, but know not what we may be. William Shakespeare.  
(Sabemos lo que somos, pero no lo que seremos)

To be, or not to be, that is the question.
(Ser o no ser. Esa es la cuestión.)

It is neither good nor bad, but thinking makes it so.
(No es ni bueno ni malo, sino el pensamiento el que lo hace ser.)